• 1st DAY: ROME

    arrival in Rome by own means - 6.00 pm meeting in hotel with guide - dinner in hotel - after dinner Rome by night, with private bus and guide, along a fascinating itinerary (Colosseum, Arch of Constantine, Aventine and Circus Maximus, Bocca della Verità, Viale Aventino, Lungotevere Testaccio, Flaminio district, Foro Italico, Ponte Milvio) - tasting of a typical dessert - overnight stay.


    breakfast in the hotel - in the morning guided tour of classical Rome, a UNESCO World Heritage Site (Roman Forum, Trajan's Forum and Column, Via dei Fori Imperiali, Colosseum, Palatine) - free lunch - in the afternoon guided visit to discover some jewels of Christian Rome Unesco Heritage (Basilica of San Clemente and underground, Baptistery and Piazza del Laterano, San Giovanni in Laterano) - dinner in hotel/restaurant - after dinner Rome by night, walk with guide and public transport in the Rome of "la dolce vita" (Porta Pinciana , Via Veneto, Piazza Barberini, Via Sistina, Trinità dei Monti, Piazza di Spagna, Trevi Fountain) - overnight stay.


    breakfast in the hotel - in the morning guided visit to the temple of Christianity, a UNESCO World Heritage Site (Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Square, St. Peter's Basilica - the largest church in the world dominated by the imposing Michelangelo's dome) - free lunch - in afternoon guided tour of Renaissance-Baroque Rome (Santa Maria del Popolo with its chapels and some absolute masterpieces by Caravaggio) and nineteenth-century Unesco Heritage (Piazza del Popolo, the Pincio, Villa Borghese) - dinner in hotel/restaurant - after dinner Rome by night, walk with guide and public transport in Renaissance and Baroque Rome (Piazza del Gesù, Piazza della Minerva, Pantheon, Palazzo Madama, Piazza Navona, Campo de' Fiori, the style and refinement of Piazza Farnese) - possibility of tasting coffee best in the city - overnight stay.

  • 4th DAY: ROME

    breakfast in the hotel - free time for shopping and/or individual visits - guide available - for shopping we recommend the Piazza di Spagna area, the living room of eighteenth-century Rome, and still today an unsurpassed point of attraction with its historic cafés and its streets, a destination for Romans and tourists from all over the world for classy shopping (Via della Croce, Via delle Carrozze, Via Condotti, Via Borgognona, Via Frattina, Via della Vite) - free lunch - departure for the return to the headquarters .