• 1st DAY: ROME - NAPLES or other location > OSTUNI "the white city" - LECCE km.640

    departure from home - free lunch - in the afternoon guided visit to Ostuni "the white city", so called for the unique color given by its Murgese limestone buildings (the fascinating medieval village is characterized by important religious and civil buildings, the superb Romanesque Cathedral) - in the evening arrival in Lecce - dinner in the hotel - after dinner walk with guide - overnight stay.

  • 2nd DAY: LECCE “the Florence of the South” & GALLIPOLI “the beautiful city” km.80

    breakfast in the hotel - in the morning guided tour of Lecce with valuable examples of the Baroque style, defined as "the Florence of the South" (Basilica of Santa Croce, Church of Gesù, San Matteo, Duomo, Sant'Irene as well as a large number of palaces nobles - all the remaining historical periods are present, starting from the Roman one with the Theater and Amphitheatre, visit to a "Leccese papier-mâché" workshop) - free street food lunch - for savory dishes we recommend the unmissable rustic Leccese and for dessert the pasticciotto leccese - in the afternoon guided visit to Gallipoli "the beautiful city", a characteristic village with small fishermen's houses next to noble palaces, a reminder of the great historical and commercial period of the 17th-19th centuries, when Gallipoli became the most important port of 'Europe for the trade of "lamp oil", non-edible oil which was used for lighting and which was exported throughout Europe (S. Agata Cathedral, the greatest expression of the baroque of the time with over 1,000 m2 of interior paintings of great artistic value) - visit to an underground oil mill - in the evening return to the hotel - dinner in the hotel - after dinner Lecce by night, walk with guide - overnight stay.

  • 3rd DAY: OTRANTO “the martyr city” - CASTRO - GAGLIANO DEL CAPO - S. MARIA DI LEUCA km.180

    breakfast in the hotel - daily excursion with guide - visit to Otranto (Romanesque Cathedral from 1480 with the famous Pantaleone Mosaic inside, the Ossuary of the Martyrs sanctified by Pope Benedict XVI, and the Crypt below, built on the remains of an ancient Roman court) - then, following the picturesque coastal road, you reach the lighthouse of Punta Palascia, overlooking the sea which represents the most eastern point of Italy - short and intense walk, up to the lighthouse - continuing along the coastal road, you reach a real hermitage, the little-known Castro Alta (a true architectural and archaeological jewel that dominates Castro Marina, with its Messapian walls, the Castle, the Cathedral - walk in the small village to discover a precious treasure chest) - visit to Gagliano del Head of an artisanal weaving factory - finally S. Maria di Leuca "De Finibus Terrae" (Shrine of Christianity, included in the Jubilee route, the Minor Basilica, promenade along the seafront full of noble villas and the presence of some "bagnarole", perfectly preserved - these are characteristic pagodas that were used by noblewomen to change before entering the water) - lunch in a typical restaurant - in the evening return to the hotel - dinner in the hotel or in a typical restaurant - after dinner Lecce by night, walk with guide - overnight stay.

  • 4th DAY: GALATINA - GALATONE - NARDO' "between art and anthropology" km.70

    breakfast in the hotel - daily excursion with guide - visit to Galatina (fantastic basilica of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria from 1391, a masterpiece of Gothic art, with frescoes from the Umbria-Marche school - a monument that alone is worth the trip) Galatone (home of the great humanist and philosopher Antonio de Ferraris, known as “Il Galateo” in which the grandiose Cathedral of the Crucifix stands out, a cornerstone of the best Lecce baroque and a very interesting urban plan) - Nardò, one of the capitals of Italian and European baroque ( splendid Romanesque-Norman cathedral, exuberant and scenic Piazza Salandra and the unmissable Museum of Prehistory which displays exceptional teeth, a discovery which attests to the presence of Homo Sapiens Sapiens in the Horse Cave 40-45 thousand years ago, as well as findings from research conducted since the 1960s in the Porto Selvaggio Natural Park) - lunch in a typical restaurant - in the evening return to the hotel - dinner in the hotel - free evening - guide available - overnight stay.

  • 5th DAY: LECCE - BRINDISI "the ancient city located at the end of the queen viarum" - NAPLES - ROME km.640

    breakfast in the hotel - departure for Brindisi - guided visit to the ancient city, terminal of the Via Appia, occupied by the Greeks even before the Romans, from which they departed for the Crusades and center of naval power and maritime trade, thanks also to the built there, Via Appia and Via Traiana (among the monuments stand out the Scalinata Virgiliana with its Roman columns, the small temple of San Giovanni a Sepolcro and the beautiful Cathedral where on 9 November 1225 the wedding of Frederick II of Swabia and Isabella of Brienne was celebrated ) - free street food lunch - return to the venue - arrival in the evening.