• 1st DAY: NAPLES - ROME - SANTA MARIA IN VALLE PORCLANETA “a small treasure chest” - CELANO - SULMONA “the city of Ovid” km.180

    departure from your home - free lunch - guided visit to Rosciolo dei Marsi with the Church of Santa Maria in Valle Porclaneta, Celano (historic center and Piccolomini Castle), Sulmona, the ancient Sulmo in the Peligna Valley (historic center with the Piazza del Carmine, Fontana del Vecchio, Annunziata Complex, Cathedral of San Panfilo, thirteenth-century aqueduct, famous confetti factory) - in the evening hotel accommodation in Sulmona - dinner in the hotel - after dinner Sulmona by night, walk with guide - overnight stay.


    breakfast in the hotel - daily excursion with guide to the "heart of Abruzzo" - visit to Pescocostanzo, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy located in the Maiella National Park (walk in the historic centre), Pescasseroli in the heart of the Maiella National Park Abruzzo, Civitella Alfedena (one of the prettiest and best preserved villages due to its typical appearance of the medieval villages of the Apennine mountains), Scanno (called the town of photographers for having inspired many great photographers with its atmosphere and ancient traditions) - lunch typical restaurant - in the evening return to the hotel in Sulmona - dinner in the hotel - free evening - companion available - overnight stay.

  • 3rd DAY: L'AQUILA & "THE VILLAGES" - CASTEL DEL MONTE "the capital of shepherds" - ROCCA CALASCIO-SANTO STEFANO DI SESSANIO "a little jewel" km.190

    breakfast in the hotel - daily excursion with guide - visit to L'Aquila (historic centre, Piazza del Mercato, Duomo, Basilica of Santa Maria di Collemaggio, Fountain of the 99 spouts, San Bernardino) and the villages of Castel del Monte (centre rich in palaces and churches from the early medieval period, truly evocative thanks to the countless fountains, doors and characteristic alleys), Rocca Calascio (the jewel in the crown of this village of Norman origin, which has very few inhabitants, is its fortress which we will see from a distance), Santo Stefano di Sessanio (true jewel of Abruzzo, rich in history and tradition built on white limestone rock, crowned by the splendid and characteristic Medici Tower, its unmistakable symbol of the 1300s with the sumptuous palaces, the regal door of entrance to the city and the numerous and elegant arches and mullioned windows which testify to the great importance and prosperity experienced by this town) - typical lunch in a restaurant - in the evening return to the hotel in Sulmona - dinner in the hotel - free evening - companion available - overnight stay

  • 4th DAY: CIVITELLA DEL TRONTO "the fortress city"-ATRI "city of history and art"-CITTA' SANT'ANGELO-PESCARA km.230

    breakfast in the hotel - departure for Civitella del Tronto - guided visit of the fortress village (remains of this mighty fortress located on the borders of the then Papal State) - typical lunch in a restaurant - in the afternoon guided visit of Atri, a city rich in history and art (Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta with the horizontal crowning façade, Romanesque layout and fifteenth-century decorations, walk in the historic center to admire the exterior of the Palazzo degli Acquaviva until reaching the belvedere) - small tasting of liquorice and the typical dessert “Pan Ducale” and Città Sant'Angelo (a village where time seems to have stopped, suspended between the mountains and the sea, to which the bulk of the Collegiate Church, the noble palaces, the historic entrance gates to the city and the churches, confer elegance and breathtaking beauty) - in the evening accommodation in a hotel in Pescara - dinner in a typical restaurant - after dinner Pescara by night, walk with guide - overnight stay.

  • 5th DAY: VILLA SANTA MARIA “the homeland of chefs” - BORRELLO - PIZZOFERRATO “the terrace of Abruzzo” - ROCCASCALEGNA “il Castello” km.230

    breakfast in the hotel - daily excursion with guide - visit to Villa Santa Maria (the home of chefs), Borrello (historic center with the Baronial Palace and the Church of Sant'Antonio da Padova), Pizzoferrato (historic center with stone streets paved, ancient buildings and an atmosphere in which time seems to have stopped, Church of the Madonna del Girone), Roccascalegna (medieval castle located on a rock spur, village, Church of San Pancrazio) - typical lunch in a restaurant - return in the evening in a hotel in Pescara - dinner in a typical restaurant - free evening - companion available - overnight stay.

  • 6th DAY: VASTO - SAN GIOVANNI IN VENERE - ORTONA “the city on the hill” km.160

    breakfast in the hotel - daily excursion with guide - visit to Vasto (a town of very ancient origins, it collects the vestiges of three thousand years of civilisation, evidenced by ancient towers, fortifications, churches and palaces - of great interest is the Roman amphitheatre, the remains of cisterns of Santa Chiara, the ancient Baths where precious mosaic floors were found, the Caldoresco Castle enriched by two cylindrical towers and three corner bastions and the Palazzo d'Avalos with stupendous gardens which ranks as one of the most significant examples of Abruzzo Renaissance architecture, the Rossetti Theater one of the first in Abruzzo, the Cathedral of San Giuseppe which preserves the original fourteenth-century façade with portal and rose window, the Loggia Amblingh), San Giovanni in Venere (12th century Abbey), Ortona, the city that stands on a hill (splendid Eastern Walk from which you can enjoy an extraordinary panorama, evidence of a rather interesting past, Palazzo Farnese, Aragonese Castle, Churches of Santa Maria delle Grazie and Santissima Trinità, Cathedral dedicated to San Tommaso, suggestive historic centre) - typical lunch on the trabucco - in the evening return to the hotel in Pescara - dinner in a typical restaurant - after dinner Chieti by night, excursion with private bus and guide - overnight stay.

  • 7th DAY: CASALINCONTRADA “the earthen houses” - GUARDIAGRELE “the Maiella gate” - LANCIANO “The Eucharistic Miracle”km.120

    breakfast in the hotel - daily excursion with guide - visit to Casalincontrada (village, the earthen houses), Guardiagrele (historic centre, Cathedral Museum, Cloister of San Francesco with the Costume Museum), Lanciano (Church of San Francesco which houses the Eucharistic Miracle, Borgo district, Piazza Plebiscito, Diocletian's Bridge, Fenaroli Theatre, Palazzo del Capitano, Piazza dei Frentani) - typical lunch in a restaurant - in the evening return to the hotel in Pescara - dinner in a typical restaurant - free evening - companion available - overnight stay.

  • 8th DAY: PESCARA - CHIETI “the Warrior of Capestrano” - PACENTRO “return to the Middle Ages” - ROME km.250

    breakfast in the hotel - guided tour of Chieti (historic centre, National Archaeological Museum of Abruzzo with the famous Warrior of Capestrano, Villa Comunale) and Pacentro (enchanting medieval village with fascinating historical centre, Caldora Castle, Mother Church, Church of San Marcello, stately buildings) - free lunch - return to the office in the late afternoon - arrival in the evening.