
Land of Ice and Fire

A journey to get to know the best of Iceland and the beauty of its contrasts.

Iceland is one of the few places on earth where we can feel our planet living.

Through splendid landscapes we will travel the island “forged by ice and fire” to discover a very particular nature, an expression of power that has created unique natural wonders.

It has a strong volcanic and geothermal activity that characterized the landscape: deep valley, geysers, and volcanoes, a sandy and desert plateau, mountains covert with moss and glaciers, a large quantity of glacial rivers that flow towards the sea up to the coasts rich in fjords, creating countless waterfalls.

Located on the mid-Atlantic ridge, it is an island straddling two Tectonic plates in constant motion:

the Eurasian one to the east and the American one to the west.

Iceland, thanks to the Gulf Stream it has a relatively temperate climate that allows it to be inhabited even if with its 321,000 inhabitants it is the least densely populated Country in Europe.

We offer 4 group tours:

  1. 12 days. Departure June 1, 2025

  2. 8 days. Departure June 14, 2025

  3. 10 days. Departure July 23, 2025

  4. Special Aurora Borealis. 10 days. Departure November 18, 2024

All breakfast and dinner included. hotels, private bus, local tour guides, tour leader from the departure to the end of the tour.

All the tickets to every Monuments, Museums, Churches, etc are included.
Air ticket included.


Tour 1 - Itinerary

  • DAY 1


    Departure from JFK with Icelandair ( Terminal 7) at 11:35 pm-Arrive in KEF -Reykjavik at 9:25 am next day.

    5h50m fly - non stop

    Reykjavík is believed to be the location of the first permanent settlement in Iceland, which, according to Landnámabók, was established by Ingólfr Arnarson in AD 874. Until the 18th century, there was no urban development in the city location. The city was officially founded in 1786 as a trading town and grew steadily over the following decades, as it transformed into a regional and later national centre of commerce, population, and governmental activities. It is among the cleanest, greenest, and safest cities in the world.

    At 64° north, Reykjavik is characterized by extremes of day and night length over the course of the year. From 20 May to 24 July, daylight is essentially permanent as the sun never gets more than 5° below the horizon. Day length drops to less than five hours between 2 December and 10 January. The sun climbs just 3° above the horizon during this time. However, day length begins increasing rapidly during January and by month's end there are seven hours of daylight.

    Despite its northern latitude, temperatures very rarely drop below −15 °C (5 °F) in the winter. The proximity to the Arctic Circle and the strong moderation of the Atlantic Ocean in the Icelandic coast (influence of North Atlantic Current, an extension of the Gulf Stream) shape a relatively mild winter and cool summer. Summers are cool, with temperatures fluctuating between 10 and 15 °C (50 and 59 °F), rarely exceeding 20 °C (68 °F).

  • DAY 2


    Meet with our tour guide and start visiting the Capital Reykjavik in our private bus.

    We will visit the main monuments of the city: the Port, the city center with the town hall, the Alpingishus Parliament building, the Hallgrimskirkja Church, one of the symbols of the Country.

    Lunch: independent

    Afternoon: visit of the Perlan Museum, dedicated to the natural wonders of Iceland.

    Visitors of this state of the art facility will have the opportunity to discover the power of volcanoes, earthquakes and geothermal energy, admire the extraordinary beauty of the glaciers, the underwater world and the Northen lights, thanks to three- dimensional films and realistic reproductions. The museum houses a 100 meters long artificial ice cave built with more than 350 tons of snow from the Blue Mountains.

    At the end of the visit check in hotel:

    Storm Hotel.

    Dinner: in a characteristic restaurant.

  • DAY 3


    Breakfast at the hotel.

    Check out and departure with our private bus and local tour guide.

    Today we will go north-west to the Snaefellsnes Peninsula and the Snaefllsjokull National Park.

    Our route will touch the towns of Borgarnes, a stop will be made at the fascinating Ytri-Tunga beach where, with a little luck there will be the opportunity to see the seals that inhabit it. Buotir, along the route 574 one cannot fail to notice the small black wooden church. Arnarstapi, a small fishing port overlooking sea caves of basalt columns, is the idealplace for the resting of severals bird colonies. Hellnar, was the most important fishing village in the area for centuries. The immense rocks that we find here have spectacular shapes that recall fossilized trolls surprised by the light of the day. The coast is also characterized by several caves overlooking the sea, one of which is the Badstofa knows for its particular exposure to light and the colors that can be admired inside. Djupalonssandur olafsvik, Grunndarfjordur and Stykkisholmur.

    The road to reach Stykkisholmur, a small port surrounded by small brightly colored houses, each different from the other, crosses an immense and very scenic lava field.

    check in hotel : Stykkisholmur Fasshotel

    Dinner at the restaurant of the hotel

  • DAY 4


    Breakfast at the hotel

    Today we will cross the Vatnsnes Peninsula, famous for the seal colonies that populated. Stop to photograph the impressive Hvitserkur Stack, a 15 meters high above the sea level. we will reach the Skagafjordur Valley, famous for its Icelandic horse’s farms that you can see them while grazing freely in the meadows.

    Here we will visit the Gloumboer Museum, a 18th century peat farm exceptionally preserved, where we can admire the furnishing and utensils of the time and discover the ancient local peasant life.

    Accomodation in Skogafjordur

    Check in hotel: Hotel Varmahlid

    Dinner at the hotel restaurant

  • DAY 5


    Breakfast at the hotel.

    The first stop of the day is Akureyri, the second largest city on the island, after the Capital Reykjavik, with a population of 15,000.

    Visit of the city and its splendid church and botanical gardens.

    We will then head to the imposing Godafoss waterfalls, the waterfall of the gods. you can visit both sides of the great waterfall to see the splendid rainbow.

    Finally we will reach Lake Myvatn and dedicate the rest of the day to explore the natural wonders around it, in particular the pseudo-craters of Skutustadir and the bizarre lava formations of Dimmuborgir.

    Check in hotel in Lake Myvatn.

    Myvatn Fasshotel

    Dinner at the restaurant of the hotel.

  • DAY 6


    Breakfast at the hotel.

    Departure for the fishing village of Husavik.

    The village is known to be the best starting point in Iceland for whale watching and this is due to the fact that the bay overlooked by Husavik has particular characteristics that make a suitable habitat for cetaceans due to the abudance of nutrition.

    3 hours sailing abord a typical Icelandic wood boat for whale watching. At the end of the excursion, we will reach the Jokulsargil canyon where the majestic Dettifoss waterfall is located; the largest in Iceland and in Europe in terms of water flow, 44 meters high and 100 meters wide. Fueled by rainfall and the melting of the Vatnajokull glacier it plunges into a deep gorge.

    Return to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

  • DAY 7


    Breakfast at the hotel.

    Today we will cross the inner highlands of Modrudalur, in a sub-artic naturalistic area of great beauty, up to the village of Egilsstadir, on the shores of lake Logurim, in the heart of eastern Iceland.

    Along the way we will stop at the cafe’ in Fjalladyrot. From Egilsstadir we will embarkin an itinerary of high landscape value, to discover the eastern fjords; in front our eyes there will be small fishing villages and villages perched here and there on the slopesof imposing mountains that fall into the sea, forming narrow and spectacular inlets.

    We will cross the villages of Reydarfjordur and Faskrudsfjordur and stop in Stdvarfjordur to visit the Petra Museum, the largest private collection in the world of minerals and semi- precious stones, one of the most geologically ancient regions of Iceland.

    We will continue through the villages of Breidalsvir and Djupivogur and reach our destination; the town of Hofn.

    check in and dinner at the hotel ( Hofn hotel)

  • DAY 8


    Breakfast at the hotel.

    Today we will have the opportunity to admire some of the most spectacular landscapes of our trip. With our bus we will set off southwards along the southern side of the Vanajokull glacier, the largest in Europe.

    We will reach the glacier lagoon of Jokulsarlon, where we will make a navigation of about 30 minutes between the icebergs that have detached from the glacier that feed it.With a little luck it is possible to spot some seals. Continue to the Skaftafell National Park, where the glacier tongues extend to the sea. Many species of wildflowers thrive in the shelter of the birch forest on the mountain slopes.

    With a pleasant walk of about 45 minutes, we will reach the Svartifoss waterfall, where the tall columns of black basalt and birches from a highly suggestive environment. From Skaftafell we continue by coach through the black beaches of Skeidararsandur to finally reach Vik, where we will see the famous Reynisdrangar, three impressive basaltic stacks emerging from the sea.

    Accomodation at the hotel Kria.

    Dinner at the restaurant of the hotel

  • DAY 9.


    Breakfast at the hotel.

    We continue today the exploration of the southern coast. Our first stop is Skogar, where we will see one of the highest waterfall in Iceland, Skogafoss with its 60 meters.

    The next destination is the Seljalandsfoss waterfall, one of the most beautiful in the Country and unique because you can walk behind it.

    We continue along the coast, passing through the small villages of Hvolsvollur and Hella, then turn inland where we meet Fludir and Reykhalt.

    We then reach the Haukadalur nature reserve, a characteristic geo- thermal area, where there is the famous boiling spring “ Geyser”, which erupt every day at long and irregular intervals and the nearby Strokkur, which erupt a jet of water about 18-20 meters of irregular intervals of 4/5 minutes.

    The great Geyser is believed to be the oldest known geyser.

    Around the site there are other hot spring, little geyser, hot streams and mineral deposits that make the area similar to that of another planet.

    Accomodation at the Gullfoss hotel

    Dinner at the hotel’s restaurant

  • DAY 10


    Breakfast at the hotel.

    The visit begin with the Gullfoss waterfall certainly the most famous in the Country with a drop of 32 meters. Then we will head towards the Pjorsardalur Valley, in the southern highlands, where we will be able to admire some natural jewels, generally less frequented from the traditional touristic circuits, but very fascinating and loved by the local population In the suggestive natural site of Gjain, the Rouda river plunges into the gorge forming the Gjarfoss waterfall, among basalt columns, lush vegetation and angelica flowers. Not to miss the twin waterfalls of Hjalparfoss and the modern reconstruction of the Stong farm, destroyed by an eruption of the near by Hekla volcano in 1104, testimony of how the first Viking settlers lived.

    On the way back we will visit the Fridheiman greenhouses, where we will be able to discover how they grow delicious tomatoes and cucumbers without the use of pesticides and with the help of the geothermal heat they have in abundance.

    In the Stables we will see a short professional exhibition of Icelandic horses, a species closely linked to the culture and century-old history of the Nation.

    Return to the hotel in Gullfoss.

    Dinner at the hotel’s restaurant.

  • DAY 11


    Breakfast at the hotel.

    Morning dedicated to visiting the Pingvellir National Park, a Unesco Heritage Site. Its importance is both historical and natural; it was founded here in 930 AD the Alping; the Icelandic Parliament and the first in the world, which continued to meet in this valley until 1844.

    It is also one of the geological wonders of the world: it is the point where the American and European tectonic plates drift apart. One from the other, creating extensive canyons fissures in the ground, gorges and lava field.

    Back to Reykjavik check in hotel (Storm hotel).

    Rest of the day free for shopping and individual visit.

    Dinner in a traditional restaurant.

  • DAY 12


    Breakfast at the hotel

    Check out

    Today we will spend part of the day relaxing at the famous Blue Lagoon.

    Late afternoon transfer to international airport .

    Fly depart at 8:15 pm from KEF -Reykjavik and arrive to JFK at 10:25 pm. 6h10m fly duration- non stop

  • TOUR 2


    JUNE 14, 2023

  • DAY 1


    Departure from JFK with Icelandair ( Terminal 7) at 11:35 pm-Arrive in KEF -Reykjavik at 9:25 am next day.

    5h50m fly - non stop

  • DAY 2

    REYKJAVIK - THINGVELLIR PARK "Unesco Heritage" - GULLFOSS "the Golden Waterfall" - VIK km.300

    departure for the Golden Circle area - visit of the Thingvellir National Park, a Unesco World Heritage Site and of great historical, geological and naturalistic interest, where you can admire, in addition to the seat of the Althingi, the oldest parliamentary form in the world, the huge mid-Atlantic ridge that separates the American plate from the Eurasian one - continuation to the Golden Gullfoss waterfall and the erupting geysir spring - arrival in the south area to see the Seljalandsfoss and Skogafoss waterfalls - stop in the area of ​​the seabird sanctuary of Dyrhólaey - free lunch - in the evening arrival in the village of Vik - dinner at the hotel - free evening.

    Accomodation at the hotel Kria.

  • DAY 3

    VIK - VATNAJOKULL "the largest National Park in Europe, Unesco Heritage" - JOKULSARLON "the glacial lagoon" - HOFN km.270

    breakfast at the hotel - departure from Vik to cross the largest lava field in the world and the great expanse of sand Skeioararsandur - arrival in the Skaftafell area, located under the largest glacier and national park in Europe, the Vatnajokull, Heritage Unesco - followed by one of the most spectacular places on the island, the Jokulsarlon glacial lagoon, where icebergs float until the ocean water melts them - navigation among the icebergs aboard an amphibious boat - lunch free - in the evening arrival in Hofn - dinner at the hotel ( Hofn hotel)- free evening.

  • DAY 4


    breakfast at the hotel - departure for Egilsstadir, the main center of the east of the country - the route winds through the characteristic East Fjords with a scenic setting, crossing small fishing villages - free lunch - in the afternoon thermal bath in the new Voks Baths on the shores of Lake Urrioavatn (the first and only pool of floating pools in the country, which allows guests to immerse themselves in the hot water tubs that go directly into the lake, and the bravest to take a dip from the warm waters to its invigorating cold waters) - dinner at the hotel - free evening.

    Accomodation at the Hotel Herad

  • DAY 5

    EGILSSTADIR - DETTIFOSS "the most powerful waterfall in Europe" - LAKE MYVATN - AKUREYRI "the capital of the North with colorful houses" km.250

    breakfast at the hotel - departure for the north of the island through the lunar landscapes of the plateau - visit of the Dettifoss waterfall, the most powerful in Europe - followed by a visit to the spectacular Asbyrgi Canyon - free lunch - in the afternoon continue along the shores of Lake Myvatn between volcanic craters and bubbling fields that testify to the geothermal activity of the area - stop at the Godafoss Waterfall - arrival in the northern capital, Akureyri, the town with colorful houses - dinner at the hotel - free evening.

    Accomodation at the Hotel Akureyri

  • DAY 6


    breakfast at the hotel - departure for the return to Reykjavik, to complete the circumnavigation of the island - stop for the visit of the ancient Glaumbaer peat farm with adjoining Folklore Museum - free lunch - arrival in Reykjavik in the late afternoon - free time - dinner at a local restaurant- free evening.

    Accomodation at the Storm Hotel

  • DAY 7

    BLUE LAGOON - 100 km

    breakfast at the hotel - daily excursion to the famous Blue Lagoon - time available for a thermal bath in the blue waters surrounded by black lava - free lunch - guide available - hotel accommodation - dinner at a local restaurant - free evening.

  • DAY 8


    breakfast at the hotel - free time for shopping and relaxation - guide available - transfer to the airport

    Fly depart at 8:15 pm from KEF -Reykjavik and arrive to JFK at 10:25 pm. 6h10m fly duration- non stop

    þar til við hittumst aftur

    (until we meet again)



The Blue Lagoon is located less than 40 km from the capital Reykjavík, near Grindavík and is one of the most visited attractions on the island. It is a thermal lagoon and a real natural wellness center where you can relax and unwind, a geothermal pool with warm waters at 39 ° C and rich in sulfur and silicon and with a characteristic milky color due to the presence of a skin-healing seaweed. , the Cyanobacteria. If you think about a holiday in Iceland, the Blue Lagoon is an absolutely obligatory destination; here you can also buy products made with these waters that bring various benefits to the skin and wellness packages with massages and other wellness and beauty treatments, for a day dedicated to wellness ... even in Iceland! About 800 years ago in this place there was an important volcanic eruption and it is precisely inside this volcanic rock that this artificial lake of 6 million liters of hot water was created in 1976. The golden beach of Nauthólsvík, built with tons of brought sand, also contributes to making the atmosphere certainly special. And if it rains, you can immerse yourself in the waters of Árbæjarlaug, in Fylkisvegur, one of the most beautiful indoor swimming pools on the island.
This trip is dedicated to those who want to admire the most significant attractions of the "land of ice and fire", located along the famous ring road that surrounds the island, with the addition of a passage through the internal plateaus, uninhabited and very fascinating. We will go to the discovery of an extreme and primordial nature, enjoying the unique emotion of feeling small in front of infinite spaces, majestic waterfalls, fjords overlooking the sea, volcanic formations and geothermal phenomena. We will discover how the Icelandic people have established a relationship of harmonious coexistence with the forces of nature that have shaped their character and culture.


  • DAY 1

    Departure from JFK with Icelandair ( Terminal 7) at 11:35 pm-Arrive in KEF -Reykjavik at 9:25 am next day.

    5h50m fly - non stop

  • DAY 2

    Reykjavík - Penisola di Reykjanes - Þingvellir - Hveragerði

    Meeting with the local guide in the airport and short panoramic tour of Reykjavík.

    Departure then towards the Reykjanesviti lighthouse and stop in the geothermal area in the

    close to the Kleifarvatn lake, full of thermal springs and boiling mud pools.

    Then continue to the Þingvallavatn region, the largest lake

    of Iceland, crossing the area of Nesjavellir, rich in geological phenomena.

    Visit to the Þingvellir National Park, of extreme naturalistic, geological and historical interest.

    Dinner and overnight in the Hveragerði area.

    Approximate kilometers: about 330.

  • DAY 3

    Hveragerði - Gullfoss - Geysir - Kjölur - Akureyri


    Visit to the "golden waterfall" of Gullfoss and to the hot springs of Geysir.

    Then you cross the inland plateaus along the Kjölur track between moors,

    desert lands, glaciers, glacial rivers, lakes and lava flows.

    Stop in the geothermal area of Hveravellir with fumaroles and thermal baths.

    We then continue towards Akureyri, the capital of the North.

    Lunch during the excursion.

    Overnight in Akureyri.

    Approximate kilometers: about 370.

  • DAY 4

    Akureyri - Mývatn - Akureyri


    Full day dedicated to visiting the area of Lake Mývatn, a naturalistic paradise from

    fantastic volcanic formations. Among its suggestive attractions are the pseudo-craters

    of Skútustaðagígar, the bizarre lava formations of Dimmuborgir and the picturesque area of

    Námaskarð / Hverarönd with its hot springs, rich in clay.

    Return to Akureyri for overnight.

    Approximate kilometers: about 320.

    - Those who want to indulge in some thermal relaxation at the end of the day of visits can

    book admission to the Mývatn Nature Baths in advance.

  • DAY 5

    Akureyri - Húsavík - Ásbyrgi - Dettifoss - Mývatn

    Breakfast at the hotel.

    Departure to the charming port town of Húsavík and, upon arrival, the start of an excursion in

    whale watching boat.

    At the end, continuation to the Jökulsárgljúfur National Park (part of the larger

    Vatnajökull Park) where the Ásbyrgi canyon is located, with its unique horseshoe shape.

    Then you reach Dettifoss, the most powerful waterfall in Europe.

    Dinner and overnight in the Mývatn area.

    Approximate kilometers: approximately 250.

  • DAY 6

    Mývatn - Möðrudalur - Egilsstaðir


    Crossing the inner plateaus of Möðrudalsöræfi, a sub-arctic naturalistic area of

    great beauty.

    Then arrive in Egilsstaðir, the capital of eastern Iceland, located at the gateway to the eastern fjords.

    Dinner and overnight in the Egilsstaðir area.

    Approximate kilometers: approximately 210

  • DAY 7

    Egilsstaðir - Djúpivogur - Jökulsárlón - Skaftafell - Kirkjubæjarklaustur


    Continuing through the characteristic eastern fjords, arrival and visit to Djúpivogur, small e

    charming fishing village.

    Continuation of the route in a southerly direction until you reach the dominated part of the island from the Vatnajökull glacier, which covers 8% of Iceland and is the largest in Europe.

    Visit to the Jökulsárlón glacial lagoon aboard an amphibious vehicle: here numerous icebergs

    floats create a truly magical atmosphere.

    We then continue towards the Skaftafell National Park, a green oasis among the glacial tongues that

    they descend from the Öræfajökull and Vatnajökull glaciers.

    Dinner and overnight in the Kirkjubæjarklaustur area.

    Approximate kilometers: about 320

  • DAY 8

    Kirkjubæjarklaustur - Eldhraun - Landmannalaugar - Hekla - Hvolsvöllur


    Crossing the Eldhraun lava field (created in 1783 following the terrible

    eruption of the Laki volcano) return to the interior of Iceland.

    Along the internal track that crosses the Fjallabak nature reserve you will arrive at

    Landmannalaugar, an enchanting area between majestic peaks of rhyolite, winding lava flows,

    blue mountain lakes and pleasant thermal springs, where you can take a dip

    in nature.

    Leaving this area of unique colors, we move on to one of fields of ash, pumice and lava places

    at the foot of Hekla, the most famous volcano in Iceland.

    Packed lunch during the excursion.

    Dinner and overnight in the Hvolsvöllur area.

    Approximate kilometers: about 305.

  • DAY 9

    Hvolsvöllur - southern coast - Seljalandsfoss - Reykjavík

    Morning dedicated to discovering the south coast of Iceland, where you can admire the

    extensive green grasslands that extend to the sea.

    Visit the amazing Seljalandsfoss waterfall and the impressive Skogar waterfall.

    Continue to Reynisfjara black beach located near the small village of Vík.

    In the afternoon, return to Reykjavík and accommodation in the hotel.

    Rest of the day at leisure.

    Overnight at Hotel.

    Approximate kilometers: approximately 285

DAY 10

Reykjavik - Keflavik airport

Breakfast at the hotel.

morning dedicated to visiting the city.

free afternoon for individual visits / shopping.

Transfer to the airport to the return flight.

Fly depart at 8:15 pm from KEF -Reykjavik and arrive to JFK at 10:25 pm. 6h10m fly duration- non stop

Special Aurora Borealis. 9 days. Departure November 18, 2023


Our first stop is Thingvellir National Park. It is a UNESCO world heritage site and the most significant place regarding Icelandic history. The name Thingvellir in Icelandic means “Parliament Fields”.

The general assembly, the Althing was established here in 930 AD making it one of the oldest parliaments in the world. Thingvellir is also known for its geology and has been a protected area since 1928.

Thingvellir is amongst the very few places on Earth where you can observe a continental drift valley between the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates.



Our next stop on this Golden Circle Iceland tour is the famous Geysir hot spring area. It is located in the geothermally active valley Haukadalur. Today the most active is Strokkur, an energetic spouting hot spring, which goes up every 5 minutes or so.

The white column of boiling water forms a beautiful half bubble before it goes up as a super-heated steaming water. It can reach the height of 15-30 m (60-90 feet). Strokkur (the churn) was formed in an earthquake in the year of 1789.

Other interesting hot springs are Blesi and Fata, the former are two large basins separated by the ”blaze” but connected to it is Fata. We also have Konungshver named after King Christian IX king from Denmark.


Our next stop is Gullfoss waterfall, one of the most popular tourist attractions on this Golden Circle Iceland tour. It runs down the river Hvítá into beautiful curved three step “staircase”!

It is a very powerful experience to walk close to the waterfall on the west side as on average we have 140 cubic meters per second (80 in winter) falling down the staircases.

When you arrive at Gullfoss parking area, the edge can’t be seen, so it appears as the earth is simply absorbing the waterfall.


Our next stop is in the Secret Lagoon at Fludir. It is a unique natural hot spring and the oldest swimming pool in Iceland (made in 1891). Its temperature is perfect and the water holds at 38-40 Celsius (100-104 Fahrenheit) all year around.

When done bathing, enjoy the beautiful landscape- see the natural geysirs heating the lagoon and the nearby greenhouse.


Our last visit will be at a bubble for a night stay. All the bubbles are transparent, so if the aurora is dancing you will have a private show.

We will have all 9x bubbles fully transparent and exactly same. No need to select because all guests will get same type of bubble.

All bubbles are located a short walking distance from our service house, which contains two toilets, two showers, and a self-service kitchen.



The journey will begin with us introducing you to your driver, guide, and the biggest super jeep in Iceland. We will drive on and off the road all the way to the Ice cave on the Glacier outlet Breiðamerkurjökull. During our journey your guide will explain how the Ice caves form. He will also share with you information about the glacier, volcanoes, and culture of this area.

On the way  to the glacier you will  if the weather permits be rewarded with unforgettable views. Your professional driver will take you close to the entry of the cave and other moulins, making it easy for people of all fitness levels to enjoy the experience. We will then take a 30 minute walk thought the glacier valley to reach the ice cave.

As Ice Caves are completely natural and change very quickly, nature dictates which caves we are able to access. During this tour we try to make at least 2 stops which will allow you to see how different the glacier can be, from blue ice to green and even black ice.

Our guests often tell us the most memorable part of the experience is being able to see a array of different formations, colors and caves.


Transfer to airport for returning fly

Reykjavík KEF New York EWR 5:00 PM 6h 10m 6:10 PM
