Responsible travelers, informed and conscious .

Ethical Tourism

Although the concept is still new to most people, ethical tourism is quickly spreading across the travel industry as an ideal.

As tourism rises, it also places increased responsibility of an area to host tourists, which can lead to negative effects in the destination’s delicate ecosystem.

Tourists: “ take nothing but pictures,

leave nothing but footprints,

kill nothing but time.”

At YUME we take ethical tourism one step further.

we look not only at the ecosystem and sustainability of the planet but as well at the rights of the people.

As Gino Strada of Emergency said: “ the rights of men/women must belong to all-men/women, really to all, otherwise let’s call them privileges

Some Quotes:

“Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable”.

“Before the Eternal, we will not be asked if we have been believers, but if we have been credible”. Rosario Livatino, a young judge Beatified on May 9, 2021.

“There is no easy way from the earth to the stars”.

“I am what I choose my life to be”.

“Nothing is easy, but it’s so simple if you only allow yourself to be free”.